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Investment Management

Intex CMO Analyst

Intex Solutions, Inc

CMO Analyst is the first and only spreadsheet-based CMO portfolioanalysis and cashflow generation tool. As an add-in to Lotus 1-2-3 orMicrosoft Excel for Windows, CMO Analyst is an open system that letsusers define and model any CMO, from simple to complex, in unlimitedways. At the core of CMO Analyst is Intex's complete and highly accuratedatabase of agency, private and whole-loan CMO deal models, enhancedcontinually with new deals and updates of seasoned deals. Using the many"@functions" provided, users can easily analyze individual tranches orentire CMO portfolios, and at the same time utilize all the toolsprovided by the spreadsheet itself for charting, sensitivity analysis,vector analysis and much more. Among the hundreds of calculationsprovided are price, yield, duration and weighted average life, recentPSA, tranche cashflow, current tranche factor and more.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Intex Solutions, Inc
35 Highland Cir
Needham, MA 02194
Phone: (617) 449-6222
Fax: (617) 444-2318